
Looking for love…

Where is love? Lot of us are looking for it and love is nowhere. Or maybe it’s not in the form we would like it to be! The love for our friends differs from the love for our beloved ones and the love for our partner, that we so hard long for!

And when love comes, why while it’s so hard to find it, is lost one day?

So suddenly love disappears as if it never existed. Why once again didn’t it last and disappeared? And are we the only ones looking for it? The rest of you, out there, aren’t looking for love, or are you afraid to admit it? Or you settled into the “perfect” relationship and in an almost love;

Mutual love is obvious.

People that are surrounded by love, are content! On the contrary, people who are not surrounded by love look dull and tired, and those around them, understand it, regardless of their wish to hide it! And the worst part? While we are all looking for love and waiting for it, we act foolishly.

It’s our ego’s fault.

The greatest criminal! It has ended the best relationships, committing the biggest crimes and we all know that. But our ego is always acquitted! Will anyone ever find ego guilty or will it always slip away? And the more our ego slips, the more we are left alone, feeling more and more lonely.

We understand that the warmth of love is missing, but once again we let ego prevail. For once again, we abandoned love. We know how hard it is to find love again and that in a short time we will be wondering “where did love go?”

We grow, we change, we ask for more, we become more selective. But we’re still looking for love! The search never stops. Where the hell did love go? Did we find love at a younger age and not appreciate it? Did love pass and we didn’t realize it? How long should we be looking for? After all, do we know what is it that we’re looking for?

While sitting in front of the TV, watching romantic movies, we get annoyed that everyone seems to have what we lack. Why do we miss him so much? Sit down. Out on the street, everyone walks sullenly, bent over, looking like they’re looking for something, missing something. So we are not alone. It can’t be just us!

Courage. We will try again. We will wait for it to come. We feel confident that it will come, it just might be a little late for us. We will keep our eyes open and it will appear!

And when it appears will we be ready? Will we see her or will she pass us by once again?

It will stop! If it doesn’t stop, then it wasn’t for us! But let’s not forget and give space to selfishness again! Don’t let her go again thinking she didn’t deserve it! She can’t do everything by herself, she also needs our help.

Together with Athena, it moves hand in hand, at least so we can stop wondering: Where did the love go, dammit?

*Photo by Sydney Sims

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